how to




Ah, cold brew coffee, the mystical caffeinated drink we’ve all heard in the whispers of upscale coffee shops and echoing through the back alleys of the upper west side. But what is it? And does it really taste good? Cold brew coffee is a process of making ice coffee, that leaves the burnt taste in the 7/11 where it belongs, instead cold brew gives you a deep and rich coffee flavor without an overwhelming bitterness. My personal lover for cold brew doesn’t end there, it’s also surprisingly easy to make! If I may, I would say it is the crockpot of beverages, essentially all you need to do is set it and forget it!

The first step to the perfect cold brew is in the coarseness of the grind. Too fine of a grind can result in a very murky cup of coffee, the coarser the blend the better the result (to clarify don’t just drop the full bean in boiling water, use your common sense guys). You want this to be around the same size as bread crumbs.

Next clean and prepare a large resealable pitcher, enough to fill a rough ratio of 1:8 coffee to water. Place the coffee at the bottom of the pitcher before submerging the grounds with cold water, pouring the water in a circular motion to stir mixture.

Once stirred gently, cover and leave in a fridge or out for 16 hours or to taste.

After brewed, strain twice through a sieve or muslin until all noticeable bits are strained out.

And that’s it! Serve over ice and with milk and sugar if that’s what you like. This is one of the simplest ways to keep cool and energized in the summer!